I reported my income change to Medi-Cal late

I’ve received lump sums over the past few years from a lawsuit, and earlier this year I decided to put the money into a savings account to accrue interest on the balance. I didn’t realize this interest was seen as income in the eyes of the county at that time, I didn’t really think about it at all to be honest. I’ve exceeded the Medi-Cal income threshold for about 4 months straight, my income went up a bit since this time too, up until the time I finally reported the change about a week ago (the review is still pending, oddly). From what I’ve heard, the public emergency has ended, and now Medi-Cal is requiring yearly recertifications again since April.

I was on an HMO MAGI plan, and I’m worried I’ll owe money towards the capitation fees paid by the state to the health plan for the months I was ineligible (I didn’t incur any claims in this time), even if I didn’t go far above the threshold. Am I worried about nothing and will I just be kicked to Covered CA if I exceed the income requirements for Medi-Cal? Am I safe until my next recertification? (February 2024). Can I not leave Medi-Cal until this point in time regardless if I’m ineligible? I’ve been trying to call and haven’t been able to get through to anyone in my county (Butte). I will try visiting the county office on Monday for sure.

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