I really, really don’t understand ‘monthly tax credit’, need guidance

Sorry for the seemingly silly question. in 24 years old, trying to apply for me and spouse on healthcare.gov. Which i believe is the marketplace insurance if im not mistaken. Im going through and submitted my application and i was approved I think. Now they want me to select my plan, but before that it mention Tax Credits.

I do not understand what this is, upon looking it up its not helping me much personally, and I skimmed the 101 post for credit related things, but no luck either so now im here.

Its asking: "How much of your $XX monthly tax credit do you want to use to lower your premium?" And gives me the options of ALL, SOME, and NONE. What does this mean? If I select ALL, am i receiving money each month? Or vice versa with the NONE option?

I noticed if i select ALL, my premium (What I pay monthly for the access to insurance I think?) is HIGH

I also noticed if I select NONE, My premium is really really low.

Another question related to the healthcare but not credits. It says I can get coverage as soon as tomorrow. Is it really that simple, I would have it and i'd be emailed and mailed a card? Thank you for all who read and thank you for your patience

submitted by /u/titsequalthumbs

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