I need Health Insurance to start an Internship in 9 days

Hi there! I am a 28 year old non-traditional college student who is starting an internship at Argonne National Laboratory on July 10. I had gone through the whole process and quickly had a ton of paperwork processed (this internship posting was very last minute and so everything has been a bit of a scramble), and then read in the job offer that I am required to have health insurance. I have been uninsured since I dropped off my parents' health plan when I turned 26, due largely to the prohibitive costs and the fact that the job I have for the majority of the year does not offer any health insurance.

I really do need to get this done as quickly as possible. I told HR at Argonne that I would try to have proof of insurance by Monday. At this point, I'm really looking at it as more of an expense than a true attempt at getting coverage, but I do need to make sure it meets the requirements. I'm pretty sure that any health plan will do, but I may have to wait until Monday morning to know for sure due to the fact that it is the weekend.

What are my options here? If I need to just kiss a bit of money goodbye and not get any real coverage, then I'm ok with that. If there's a way I can actually add to my quality of life and get real, decent coverage for a bit more money, then I'm willing to consider that too. I just need to have the process done very quickly, and I'm going to be dedicating my time this weekend to finishing this.

See also  Going abroad? Your destination may require travel insurance - CNBC

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/NanoGuy4816