I need advice on to how decline with my employer health benefits offering and keep my marketplace plan.

I just became eligible to enroll in a health benefits plan through my employer. My retail store hasn't been meeting the sale quotas and work hours have been cut to all store departments. So now I'm averaging 24 hours a week but I have to meet a minimum of 30 work hours weekly for 6 months (780ish in a 6 month period) according to HR. HR told me that I am now a variable hourly paid employee but I was hired a full-time employee. I now have a second job to make up for the loss of hours from my main job. I don't see a point in enrolling for a health benefits plan when I won't be able to maintain the minimum work hours to keep it.

I have health insurance and a great tax premium credit through the marketplace. I don't want to cancel my marketplace plan if I won't be able to keep my employer health insurance plan. Is there a possible way to keep my marketplace plan and not lose my premium tax credit?

submitted by /u/datsmydrpepper

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