I knocked my friends teeth out

Long story short I threw a glass bottle over my shoulder without looking and shattered, chipped or damaged three or four of my friends teeth. His family health insurance plan is unwilling to pay for it and I don’t have health insurance. I told him I would help pay for it and I meant it, it is my fault after all but I don’t even know where to start to save the 20,000 to 40,000 it’s going to cost to glue these things back in his head. After making some calls to different insurance companies (usaa was an option because of my veteran status but also Medicare) are saying they don’t offer plans that cover accidents to other people and especially not after the incident happened without coverage in the first place. I expect I’ll have to pull something kinda shady and file for coverage then pretend like I broke is teeth once it was already established. We’re still good friends and everyone including his parents are working together to figure this out. What should I do? Ps we are in California

submitted by /u/thespookedkook

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