I have to pay claim even if secondary insurance covers it fully?

I am beyond confused and seeking advice. I recently gave birth and the claim for the delivery is being denied. The denial reason being that my obgyns office is needing to bill globally, which they claim they cannot do. I transferred mid pregnancy, so I guess that makes it where it cannot be billed globally.

I have three insurances. One through my husband, one through my stepdad, and one through my dad. The one through my stepdad does not cover maternity care. The other two cover maternity. The insurance through my husband is 100% out of pocket until the deductible is reached.

I was told I have a balance for my delivery, and the claim is being denied by my stepdads insurance. My husbands insurance did not cover any costs, as we pay 100% before deductible is met. I was told I need to pay my balance. I said I would like to wait to see if my stepdads insurance covers any of the balance. The office told me since it is different insurances, I will have to pay the balance even if my stepdad's insurance covers the claim. I am beyond confused, as in the past my stepdads insurance would cover whatever my husbands insurance did not pay for. It would just go down the line of insurances.

I am not comfortable paying anything until I understand why I would have to pay even if my stepdads insurance covers it. They were pretty pushy about collecting payment. If I pay them, then my insurance covers it, would they not be being paid double?

To make matters more confusing on my insurances website (stepdads) it shows I don't owe anything and a discount was negotiated with my provider…

See also  I received multiple bills before meeting my deductible that total less than my deductible and they're saying I'm still responsible for the total bills.

Please help

submitted by /u/TelephoneKey8503