I have no idea what I’m doing.

Might just turn into a rant/vent post, I dunno.

My insurance termed out of CHIP a couple days ago, so I gotta go through the whole ordeal of filing for my own insurance for the first time, all that fun stuff.

I’ve got the assortment of plans to choose from, but I have no idea what any of this stuff means. I ask my mom for help sifting through them, which one would be best, etc. and all she did was complain about how high my deductible is, about how that’s why she wanted me to quit my job and look for one that gave insurance, and gave up after looking at one page of plans, out of 11 total. Tells me “I dunno, this one I guess.” but explains nothing to me. I ask for more details, she ignores the request. I don’t know what “deductible” means, how copays work, trying to make any sense of these is like trying to read a foreign language.

She’s been breathing down my neck about needing to get insurance since the day I turned 21 (I’m 26 now), and now is completely useless in the process. I just don’t want to end up picking one that either I end up having trouble using/supporting later, or one that ends up screwing me over.

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