I got approved for Medicaid coverage for only one month??
Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/InwVvWx
Some background: I'm (27F) currently 6 months pregnant with my first child and due to deliver July 2025. I was previously covered under my husbands (27M) insurance plan through our job because he was considered full-time, but due to a fuck up with our boss not putting in our time off requests correctly back in December, my husband went under his mandatory 30 hours and was demoted within the system as being part-time, which cost us our benefits. We've been without our Cigna healthcare plan since February 23rd 2025.
We finally got my Husband labeled back to full time in early March because it was a genuine mistake on our bosses end (a really detrimental one, but I digress,) but as a result we had to reapply for health insurance with our jobs benefits portal and he lost his accrued PTO. After applying again and contacting Benefits directly, we were informed our insurance plan wouldn't be active until May 5th, which is…. not ideal in the slightest with our OB appointments looming ahead. So we decided to shop with Cigna directly and see what premiums we could get without our job being the middleman.
We were delighted to find out getting health insurance directly through them would cost us even less now that they knew we were expecting! Great! The woman over the phone informed my Husband that they could cover us easily, but that I should also look into Medicaid because I'm pregnant. She tells him it'd be even cheaper to try for Medicaid and that she'd be happy to start that process for us over the phone. We hesitated at first because the OBGYN we have been going to doesn't take Medicaid, but we were informed that our OB would send Cigna the bill, Cigna would cover their portion of said bill, and whatever else they couldn't cover, Medicaid would take over. After hearing this, my Husband happily gives her my info, I received the letter asking for proof of pregnancy a couple days later and I fax over my info the same day.
We were under the assumption that I could be covered under both Cigna and Medicaid, but we just found out today that this was not the case. He got an email stating that his coverage would begin April 1st, but I still wasn't covered by his insurance plan. He called Cigna back and different woman over the phone told him that because I applied for Medicaid and am most likely going to be approved for it since I'm pregnant, that I wouldn't be approved for health insurance through Cigna. She was very apologetic that we weren't informed adequately enough the first time we called, and we left off from there. I'm going to be looking into Blue Cross Blue Shield tomorrow, but that's another post for another time.
Now this is what brings us to the problem in the above screenshot. I was indeed approved for Medicaid coverage as of today, March 26th 2025. But it's also saying that my coverage ends this same month?? Am I missing something? I still have 3 full months left of this pregnancy, could this be some sort of clerical error that I need to sort out? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by /u/JophielsAngels