I feel defeated, am I doing this right?

I am currently on Medicaid, but I’ll be losing Medicaid coverage starting in December because I started a second job. When I tried to fill out the application on Healthcare.gov, it told me that I may qualify for Medicaid based on my November income despite me putting my income as not reflective of the whole year. So, I can’t sign up for a plan yet even though I was planning on starting a marketplace plan on December 1 as loss of Medicaid would be a qualifying event. It says my state Medicaid office needs to reach out to me first, but I’m nervous waiting for them to call will take too long.

My current plan is to go to my local DHS right when they open on Tuesday and pray I can get a meeting with someone and hopefully get my situation resolved so I can then apply for marketplace insurance the next day.

I feel dumb that I didn’t do this earlier in the month before the week of a holiday or check that the plan I originally had to maintain coverage didn’t have any hiccups.

Is my plan of action feasible? Insurance makes me feel so defeated.

submitted by /u/AnonymousBingus

See also  Husband didn't add me to health insurance. Now what?