If someone could please help me with my situation I would owe you everything.

I aged out of my parents health insurance in September (Tricare kicks you off at 23) and enrolled in a plan on healthcare.gov to start on October 1st. I input my income to my best knowledge and had just hit the threshold for qualifying for the tax credit… then I had to stop working at the beginning of this month. My job was only part time and did not offer health insurance. I’m in the job hunting process and don’t have an offer yet but I do have a few interviews in the next weeks. All of the jobs so far are full-time and I believe come with health insurance. That being said, I still don’t know what I will make next year. I am also graduating college next month.

I updated my information on my 2024 renewal form with an estimate of what I made this year after stopping working. It said I don’t qualify for the tax credit because it’s below the minimum and I realized that meant I fucked up with my application from September. Since I never made the minimum amount for the year, I don’t qualify for the tax credit. I immediately unenrolled from my plan. It was active for 38 days and I never used any of the benefits/deductions/etc.

My main question is: does this mean, come tax season, that I will owe the month and 8 days of tax credit that I already used? Do I need to pay it to my (now past) health insurance provider before the year is up?

Side note: thank you for reading this! I’ve been on the phone with the 1-800 number they give and everyone I have been connected to is so rude and unforgiving of my confusion. I’ve never had to worry about this stuff until my birthday two months ago and nobody I know has experience with this process as I come from a military family/community. I’m just figuring it out as I go.

See also  Anthem BCBS (Virginia): Confusion about the claims showing as "eligible for reimbursement" from my FSA

submitted by /u/alyelara