I don’t have insurance after an unexpected layoff, and now I need to see a doctor and could use advice

I was part of a very successful project at a company that is very prosperous. We were all told we had job security… And then there was a "restructuring" of the company, followed by a mass layoff I was a part of.

I'm on unemployment which is very low. The unexpected news caught me with my pants down. I reorganize my finances and started job hunting.

That was March 1st. Given my experience I figured I'd have a job by now but don't. I've found myself needing to see a doctor and healthcare.gov seemed to be the place to go given my shrinking bank account. I had no idea, but learned I needed to enroll within 60 days. It's way passed that.

I have a pre existing condition that has never given me trouble. I've always followed Dr orders. However with the new unforseen stresses in my life I've been experiencing symptoms that " could " be related to that condition which can be life threatening if not caught on time. Any advice on affordable healthcare options is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/AB3D12D

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