I changed my name, my insurance provider is delaying changing it in their system, and it’s causing problems

So I have marketplace insurance with bcbs. I legally changed my first and last name in January. Marketplace has changed my name in their system, but bcbs is dragging their feet. My agent said that the change is documented, but they won't actually change it and issue me a new insurance card until open enrollment.

I changed my name with the mental health service I see my psych and get prescribed meds through. Shortly after, I received a bill for $137 for an office visit. I gave the billing agent my insurance card info (which they already had) and she told me that I'm not on that plan (I am the only one on the plan). She then refused to simply make the claim in my old name. She said she would add a note with my old name in the claim and "hope that works."

I just received another bill from a visit I had in February, which my insurance had already covered. So now they're RETROACTIVELY billing me for visits that are covered.

I have no idea what to do, other than wait and hope they sort it out. I have no intention of paying for these visits, as they should be covered. I still need to access mental health services from them though, and I'm worried I'll lose my prescriptions.

Any advice would be so so helpful. I'm at a loss.

submitted by /u/Gentlefolk_Only

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