I am really bad at deciding on Health Insurance…how do I estimate what I will end up spending for each policy?

I am a 34M but I tend to be a hypochondriac. I live in IL, USA.

The last two years I took a really high deductible ($6,350) with a low per payment $100. However, I hit the deductible both of the last two years which would be roughly $8,950. This year, the high deductible plan switched from a PPO to a POS plan which has me a bit worried.

Given I tend to visit doctors more than I would like, would it make more sense to go for the lower deductible but high payment per pay period?

Here is what I am looking at:

Policy Per Pay Period Per Year Deductible Coverage after deductible Per Year Total $ + Deductible HAS POS $100.03 $ 2,600.78 $ 6,350.00 100% $8,950.78 PPO 1 100% $222.00 $ 5,772.00 $ 2,500.00 100% $8,272.00 PPO 2 HAS 100% $189.39 $ 4,924.14 $ 2,000.00 100% $6,924.14 PPO 3 80% $194.32 $ 5,052.32 $ 2,500.00 80% $7,552.32 PPO 4 HAS 80% $168.95 $ 4,392.70 $ 2,000.00 80% $6,392.70

Then, if I look at the details for the expensive for the "PPO 1" 100% policy (2nd policy listed) it shows:

Plan Coinsurance 100% for most services Primary Care Provider/Specialist $30/$45 Preventive Services 100% Virtual Care Services Medical & Behavioral Health Covered in full Inpatient Hospital 100% after deductible Major Diagnostic and Imaging Services (MRI, PET & CAT Scans) $150 Emergency Room $150 Urgent Care $60 Diagnostic X-ray, Lab & Pathology 100% after deductible Pharmacy – 30 Day Retail Prescriptions are covered with the following copays Tier 1: $10 Tier 2: $40 Tier 3: $80 Tier 4: 20% up to $100 Tier 5: 20% up to $200

Compared to the above, if I look at the first policy, the POS HSA, essentially NOTHING at all is covered until I hit the In-network deductible.

See also  How does it work to have surgery out of network for your primary insurance and in network for secondary?

I should mention I am currently seeing a Rheumatologist because I potentially have an autoimmune issue but we aren't sure so I potentially will have to pay for expensive medicines + have multiple specialist visits.

Any guidance you can provide to give myself the best chance to not be overpaying on coverage I won't need would be greatly appreciated.


submitted by /u/beegeepee