My wife is about 7 weeks pregnant, she is a hairstylist and does not get insurance offered through her work. I am currently unemployed and unable to get insurance for her through employment. We live in Michigan and MDHHS says she makes too much money to qualify for pregnancy Medicaid, even with the increased income qualifications. They say it is 195% of the FPL for a family of three, and no one will give us a concrete number of what the cutoff is. She makes about $55,000 a year. Marketplace plans are between $400-$500 a month for just herself.

My wife has thyroid issues and is considered a high risk pregnancy. She is suffering from extreme hives that cover her body. She is already incurring medical bill debt from getting bloodwork and urgent care visits for this issue. They want her to see specialists and an allergist but it will be upwards of $600+.

I am trying my absolute best to get a job so I can enroll us, but most places I’ve worked, you have to wait 90 days before you get benefits. The job market is absolute garbage where we live.

What the hell are we supposed to do? I feel like we are being sentenced to crippling medical debt.

submitted by /u/Sweet_Imagination_37

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