I am 37. How do I get my insurance to cover a colonoscopy?

I am a high risk patient. At benefits elections I spent weeks talking to HR and talking to insurance to find out what a colonoscopy would cost/what would be covered, and no one had any information. Insurance will not cover a colonoscopy because I am “too young”. Last time I had a procedure done the “in-network” number didn’t even matter, and they blew up all the way to the Out of Pocket Maximum no matter what. Since then I am reluctant to do anything, as that was a lot of money. Talking to the bottom tier reps, they are useless.

I want to get a colonoscopy done. I am a high risk patient. Is there literally nothing I can do but wait for the next benefits cycle and argue with them again, or find a new job specifically on what health care it provides? I don’t even know how I’d do that. This is a nightmare of a task. I don’t make enough money to pay for insurance and also pay for all of the procedures that insurance doesn’t do anything for. EVEN if I met my deductible, insurance covers 10%, in a hospital setting 30%. That’s nothing. These procedures are 1000s of dollars.

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