Husband was fired and I can’t find answers about insurance coverages


My husband was fired on 11/3 from his company in Washington state. We were getting our insurance plan through them. When I got his termination verification, it said his last day for insurance coverage was 11/1. I am under the impression though that if they deduct his medical premiums from his checks for November. Which they did for his check received 11/5 for pay period 10/16 thru 10/31, and it looks like they are going to on his check for 11/20 for pay period 11/1 thru 11/15.

I am trying to find out if technically the insurance should be active till 12/1 because I still have a pediatrician appointment for our daughter and my birth control that I picked up on 11/2 and need to plan if these are coming out of pocket or if insurance will handle these as normal.

I called our insurance provider and they said they could tell because there was nothing new in his file, and his employeer won't talk to me about if it is a clerical error or not.

submitted by /u/Gwenivyre756

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