Just started at a new job, my old job was a bigger corporate job. For insurance there we just selected what we wanted on a website.

The job I have now, we fill out on paper what we want and we meet with the insurance people.

I’m am new to this as this is only my second full time job and so I’m figuring out what the best plan is as it’s different than what I was used to at my old job.

I have two choices traditional or HSA plan. I’m in fairly good health, hardly go to the doctor u less I’m pretty bad sick but at the same time you never know. I go to the dentist probably 3-4 times a year to get good cleanings. I haven’t been to the eye doctor and quite a while.

The breakdown:

My employer pays $520 towards our insurance. I’ll be getting single employee coverage.

Traditional plan:

0.00 deduction, full premium $449.08, credit $70.92

HSA plan:

$4,000 deductible, deduction 0.00, full premium $355.07, credit $164.93

Optional HSA election, monthly contribution $?, annual contribution $?.

Dental: $16.96

Vision: $6.02

submitted by /u/Codeman0077

See also  My Medicaid story