This confuses the heck out of me. Maybe some one could make some sense out of this and give me your opinion. My employer offers an HSA plan now in lieu of a co pay plan, I have the option. Here are the breakdowns of each…

HSA. Premium $131 plus whatever I contribute (planned on $150 per month) -Calendar year deductible- $7050 -Co-insurance-0% -OOP- $7050 -All co pays are CYD.

Copay plan (PPO) premium $169 -calendar year deductible- $1500 -coinsurance- 20% – OOP – $7000 -copays- $25/$50 (regular/specialty) $60 X-ray, $500 ER

Basically I have no idea which is better for me. I have no chronic illness at the moment and rarely have to go the doctor, as of now. My biggest medical expenses are the eye doctor and dentist but both are in a different plan anyways but could use the HSA account towards things like contacts, which are expensive. I do regular chiropractic visits but pay cash for those . Anyways, any insight would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/drave199

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