I enrolled in a company-provided HSA in May 2022.

I have contributed $1200 out of the $3650 2022 year limit.


Am I eligible to contribute the full amount which is $3650? Or I can only contribute a prorated amount which is (3650/12)*8 as I have enrolled only from May – December 22? As I can still contribute my remaining amount of 2022 until April 18, 2023, Whether the employer will have the option to specify on their end to route the current deduction toward 2022 limits? If I have to contribute the remaining 2022 limits from my checking bank account, how do I make sure that I get the tax back for the amount I contributed?

Coming to 2023.

I am planning to discontinue the HSA plan and go with the normal insurance plan from May 2023, Our plans change in May 2023.


Can I **max out** HSA 2023 limits before May 2023 as I am planning to discontinue in the next enrollment from May 2023 or Do I have to contribute only **pro-rated funds?**


In one of the Internet answers, I found that I have to be enrolled in 13 continuous months to make 2-year contributions.

May somebody help here, please!

Thank you!a

submitted by /u/Maleficent-Roof-4596

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