How to minimize damage for my surgery?

My doctor in Oregon thinks I don't have a rare condition, solely because he never heard of it.
I think he's wrong.
I want to go to experts, for a second opinion.

The doctor I want to see is in Pennsylvania.
My current insurance (government Oregon Health Plan, free because it's income-based) will not cover it, unless their doctor refers me and says I need to go there, but he refuses.
I've already asked other local in-network docs to help me, but they are all afraid to go against my initial doctor's analysis, for some reason.

The doc I want to see says I can go without insurance, and pay cash up front.

I dont have enough cash.

I can't get income to save money and then go, because the condition is so debilitating, I cant work. Plus, if my suspicion is correct, I may not survive long enough to wait several months trying to save money, etc.

I thought I could just buy a different insurance in PA. I called a big insurance provider which serves PA. They informed me, I could buy their insurance, but if the new doc discovers I do in fact have this condition, the treatment will not be covered, because the fact that I'm already experiencing symptoms means it will be considered a preexisting condition, which isnt covered during the first year of enrollment.

Is there any special type of insurance I need to look for? Or specific words I need to say on the phone, to unlock a secret insurance package for my situation?

submitted by /u/daaagnabit

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