How to gracefully cancel California Medi-Cal if you’ve been on it to long

Was out of work before pandemic. Started the “covered California” (Obamacare) process, but was soon transitioned to Medi-Cal by that system due to income/assets. Became employed during covid, but didn’t get new insurance (and simply remained on Medi-Cal). Each years redetermination approved me for Medi-Cal.

This year I got new legitimate health insurance via work (and thought perhaps I would just be cancelled by Medi-Cal on the last redetermination).

I now understand that I had an obligation to update my income info and get new insurance the minute those circumstances changed…..BUT I DIDN’T. Now that Covid is over, and they are “unwinding” I thought I’d simply be cancelled “by them”, but that didn’t happen. I want to end Medi-Cal (by perhaps going into an online portal and updating my information), starting this year, without causing scrutiny of the years I remained on Medi-Cal.

I understand that calling or visiting their office or writing a letter are options as well, but I was hoping to hear from someone who either works in the system…… or has accomplished a similar “graceful exit” .

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