I saw a new cardiologist last month. At 1pm I had an echo, at 2pm I had a holter monitor thing placed, and at 2:30pm I saw the nurse practicioner for 20 minutes, she took my history etc. Then at 3 I saw the doctor, with the nurse practicioner present, for about 35 minutes. The cardiologist had looked over my echo before seeing me, and also looked over my years of medical history. I could tell from her questions etc that she had spend some time reviewing my records before entering the room.

Cutting to the chase, insurance paid for the appointment but not for the 99417 which as I understand it is the extra time the cardiologist spent answering my questions, going over my echocardiogram results , reviewing my history etc. Insurance says that "extra time" is not reimbursable and I'll have to pay that part of the bill myself. But it states that I can appeal? I'm wondering what basics to include in my appeal. Thanks.

submitted by /u/tracyinge

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