How to deal with dual insurance due to different open enrollment times

In summary, I’m looking to start using my employer’s HDHP + HSA for me and my wife instead of having my wife on a HDHP via her employer and me on an HMO via mine. I’m confused on how to deal with the insurance change given our open enrollment dates are different. My wife has a chronic issue, that causes us to reach her deductible every year.

Multiple reasons for making this change right now:

I estimate it’ll be more cost efficient

My wife might change jobs next year. If she does so and gets different insurer, this might cause her out-of-pocket limit counter to reset to zero.

Current situation:

Me: HMO with Kaiser. Open enrollment is November, insurance runs 1/1 to 12/31. I have limited expenses, nowhere close to deductible and out of pocket

Wife: HDHP with blue shield of California. Deductible $3,000, max out-of-pocket $5,000. Her open enrollment is in August, insurance runs 9/1 to 8/31. Even though insurance starts in September, the counter for the deductible and out-of-pocket starts 1/1. If she declines insurance, she gets a cash benefit.

What I have access to via my work to:

HDHP with Premera Blue Shield. Family deductible would be $3,000, max out-of-pocket $5,000, plus my employer will contribute to an HSA. Cost to add my wife on my insurance would be $75 per pay period.

The current plan is to add my wife starting 1/1/23 and to use the medical insurance through my employer as primary insurance for us both. Questions I’m dealing with:

I’m confused with the difference between blue shield of CA and premera blue shield. Looks to be the same company, but I’m not sure. I’m a little worried about having two insurance policies for the same person at the same insurance company (related to question 2 as well)

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If I enroll my wife on my plan, can I set up her health expenses (doctor’s office, pharmacy…) to start using my employer’s insurance as primary instead of hers?

If I were to add my wife on my plan, is that a qualifying life event that would allow her to waive her insurance mid-year? (I’m assuming no, but wanted to get a second opinion).

If you have other thoughts about this, feel free to let me know. Thank you!