My son was required to get student insurance by his college. The insurer is Aetna. He got an injury that require(s/d) some treatment, and Aetna keeps sending him letters (to our address, not him at school) that say they received a claim and need additional information about the injury. All the letters have, "Please return the requested information as soon as possible to the address shown above."

The problem is, they don't provide a "address shown above" or a return envelope or any contact information whatsoever. No website, no email, no phone number other than a couple of government sites/numbers for reporting fraud or getting translation. There is a PO Box return address for the envelope sent to us, but when we mail the forms to it, the Post Office returns them to us a few days later with a stamp indicating that it is invalid.

Clearly, Aetna in classic insurance form wants to deny coverage because we didn't respond to their requests, but they have made it impossible to do so!

Does anyone have any contact information or a mailing address we can send these too?


submitted by /u/teknowledgist

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