How to buy health insurance by yourself for your toddler only?


So right now I am unemployed as I was laid off in late 2023. My spouse had to recently resign from his job. He got a new job starting in the first week of August. We have a toddler and for him we want to buy an insurance (till start of August).

What is the best option? I am able to get the COBRA for $600 (not sure if I am able to buy it till the end of July). I feel it is kind of expensive since it is top notch coverage and also covers us since start of July (which we don't need). I visited Covered California and the cheapest is for $180 but yearly deductible is $9k which is crazy for an insurance of a 2 year old. This makes COBRA look cheap ($600 for family of 3). Any other option?

A side note, we are very close to getting green card and so I read somewhere using government benefits could affect your application. I read and using Covered California or COBRA is not a public charge but just wanted to mention.

submitted by /u/thaichillipepper

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