How long after a charge can insurance company ask to substantiate a charge?

I just received a letter in the main from an employer I worked at 4 years ago. It stated that I had charges from my spending account that weren't substantiated any I needed to provide receipts.

I worked in health insurance before, so I understand what they're asking for. My issue here is the fact that they're asking for this year's after I stopped using that plan and changed employers and because I have new insurance I can't even see those providers anymore. Some of the offices don't even have the same doctors. And what's more is that I've seen these doctors on nearly a weekly basis when I was going.

I haven't gone through the long process of calling these offices to get them to track down 4 year old records because this seems unusual. I remember there being guidelines for claims and appeals etc but I'm not sure about spending accounts.

It's extremely inconvenient for me, I have a lot of health issues going on that I'm trying to see other doctors and I don't have a spending account on my new plan. A lot of the procedure fees I have to pay upfront now. Now an old insurance company is asking for more money? What's the timeframe for a spending account substantiation? Can they do this?

TLDR: health insurance is asking me to substantiate spending account charges from 4 years ago. What's the timeframe they can legally ask for substantiation?

submitted by /u/sugoi-oppai-hime

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