How f*d am I and guidance/advice?

Main Q: Do I need to immediately find private insurance (whatever that is??) and discontinue my marketplace bc I'm employed but missed the open enrollment last year? How f'd am I, omg?

Details: I had been on markeplace while a student but started a new job last year as a prn then fulltime. I missed their company wide open enrollment of 10 days when I was out of town taking care of a parent (I work nightshift, I could only enroll via email or onsite, they have protected access to email, so no email access outside of location, and I was due to start back on last day of enrollement so I missed it by ~30 minutes bc of job related hullabaloo), so I stayed with my Ambetter marketplace. When I re-enrolled I did amend for my new income. Side note, I have never been able to log into my Ambetter account, I have spent hours on the phone with them trying to deal with this. I was looking through this site's comments trying to figure out what other people's experiences were while I waited on cs and realized I might have made a very very poor choice last October.

submitted by /u/walkersparadisio

See also  (31; DFW, TX) BCBS Advantage/Plus Plans?