How does my savings impact eligibility for Healthy Michigan Plan?

I (27F) need coverage for a month-and-a-half until I return to my job in October. Factoring in the interest on my student loan, my income was about $22.5k. I have no life insurance, retirement funds, properties, etc., and I live with my parents, which is why I have so much money in the bank. When I applied to purchase insurance on the Marketplace, I was immediately enrolled in the Healthy Michigan Plan, but I'm afraid my large savings will make me ineligible, and if I go forward with this plan and am found ineligible, I will have to pay everything back. I've put off sending in the requested verification because of my worries. COBRA is a last resort because it's $650 a month. I would just tough it out but my luck is not great and I have some expensive prescriptions.

ETA: I was operating under the assumption that my insurance through my employer would last through August, but they terminated it the day my season ended apparently.

ETA2: Estimated pre-tax income is about $28k.

submitted by /u/jayclaw97

See also  Update