How does it work to have surgery out of network for your primary insurance and in network for secondary?

I’m planning to get double jaw surgery in the next year or so. I currently have health insurance for free through work, but it’s really shitty and all of my options for oral surgeons will be out of network. My out of network OOP max is $20k and I can’t imagine spending that on surgery.

I have the option to join my husband’s health insurance plan through his work that has better coverage ($6k OOP max in network) and my surgeon is in network. The only catch is it would be $510 a month for my premium.

I would join his plan in November during his open enrollment and cancel my plan in April during my open enrollment. I have the option to go ahead with my surgery in January when both plans would be active.

If I had surgery with both insurance plans active how would that work? Everything would be out of network for my primary insurance and in network for my secondary.

Would it make more financial sense to delay the surgery until after I cancel my primary insurance?

This is so stupid, I hate health insurance

27, Ohio, $70k pre tax income

submitted by /u/RainCloudAfternoon

See also  15k in dept.