How does Anthem relate to Blue Cross Blue Shield?

Another company bought my employer a few months ago and I ended up with Anthem health insurance. I called and asked them about my long-time PCP and other doctors and they said they're all out-of-network sadly. But I already had an annual checkup scheduled, so I decided just to keep the appointment and pay out of pocket for it.

And yet, I just got my explanation of benefits for that visit and it was fully covered. It says "Going to this hospital uses in-network benefits", and then has reason code 327 which means "You received care outside your plan's service area. We sent the claim to the Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield plan in that area."

I guess it doesn't matter too much and it worked out in my benefit for once, but… How does that make sense? Anthem told me my doctor wasn't in-network, and then sent the claim to BC/BS and they covered it like it was in-network. Anyone know how they're related? (And no I haven't hit my deductible for in-network or out-of-network, this was my first use of the new health insurance.)

submitted by /u/Suitable_Rhubarb5348

See also  Using the same billing code multiple times for one treatment.