how do i get rid of a UMR blockage with my medical?
hello! i know my issue isn’t major, but I need help as I am desperate to solve this. Long story short, I had medical for the longest time and never had any issues until January when I was informed (when trying to make a dentist appointment) that I had a UMR blockage. I was confused but was told to call medical and get it resolved. I called them and they said to get in touch with UMR whcihc I tried but was beyond useless as they ask for a member ID which I stated multiple time I DONT HAVE, and after somehow bypassing the answering machine UMR tells me they have no records of me ever existing and to basically die in a ditch as they just hunged up on me. I explained this to medical, and they made me fill out a form to remove “other healthcare coverage,” and it should be removed (I did this twice, btw). It in fact was not as I tried to make a dentist appointment again and same thing: “UMR blockage. please take this up with medical”.
I called medical again, and they gave me a case ID and told me to ask UMR for a “coverage termination letter,” which I tried to do, but again, they told me, “We don’t know you we can’t do anything” and hung up on me. I explained this to Medical, and they filled out a form (the same one I did), and it should be resolved, yet I don’t know if it actually be.
Also, worth to mention one of the workers I spoke to told me that the UMR policy I was under was my uncles, whom I have had no contact since like five years ago and have no connection with at this point, the alleged policy began in 2023 so I don’t understand how this even happened:C
when I tried to report the fraud to medical they said “you cant report it here, report it to UMR and then we could try to remove the block because until then we cannot remove an active policy by law” But UMR has been beyond useless and I’m scared because I have a cavity and I know its not serious but I am afraid it could get worse
Im just trying to see if anyone was in my same situation (which is very unlikely) or if I could get any recommendations on what to do because I don’t know how to proceed anymore and this just pmo.
Anyways thank you to whoever read this and pls help