How do i get out of this $2000 bill for an unnecessary procedure.

I visited a cardiologist for the first time in my life. I told the doctor that I wanted to get a health assessment of my heart because I’m over 35 and never had more than a pulse check. Doctor ran some tests, and said “Looks good.” I asked if there was anything else that could be done to check my heart health. Doctor scheduled a stress test for me.

The bill for the stress test was $2,000 and coded as “diagnostic”. The insurance company says they don’t even have a billing code for a ‘stress test – screening’ it’s only a diagnostic procedure.

I didn’t have a condition that needed diagnosing, I wanted the equivalent of a yearly physical but for the heart, not a $10,000 procedure that is used on people with serious heart conditions.

I have disputed it 3 times with my health insurance. Every time I plead my case I wait 2-3 months for a response. The response is “that is the deductible and copay for the procedure”; it’s like they don’t even read why I am disputing the charges just check to make sure i was charged the right amount.

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