How do I get Medi-Cal (California medicaid) to cover a Partial Hospitalization Program or something similar?

So i’m 27 years old and unemployed have California Medi-cal (Alameda Alliance for Health to be specific) and I’ve been going through a protracted mental health crisis — I’ve done months of therapy, I’ve tried every class of antidepressants, I’ve done ketamine therapy and TMS all without relief. My psychiatrist and therapist have recommended that I go to a partial hospitalization program, but I am losing my mind trying to get access to it. I’ve called Alameda Alliance for Health and the County behavioral health team so many times, and I get a different answer every time. First they said that medicaid has never covered partial hospitalization programs, then that the county offered “similar programs” to partial hospitalization programs, then that actually there are no “similar programs,” and then that medi-cal might cover it if i go in-patient first. My psychiatrist hasn’t had any luck getting a straight answer either. Has anyone been able to get a partial hospitalization program covered with Medi-Cal? How did you do it?

(side note) I was looking into the Medi-Cal billing codes (so fun!!) and saw that they cover “Day Treatment Intensive” programs. Not sure what those are, but is that similar to partial hospitalization programs? Or was anyone able to go to a partial hospitalization program and bill it as a day treatment intensive program?

But yeah i’d be super super grateful for any advice people have 🙏 trying to navigate this while my brain is not functioning and being denied help over and over again is really taking it out of me.

((dont know where else to put this but I’m 27 years old and unemployed rn bc of my mental health so my income is $0))

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