Hello! Im 23[F] and permanently disabled and have been since I was 2 days old. I've always had medical(No hmo plan just straight medical as a kid it was through CCS but im now over age) The issue being ive been switched to LACare without my permission meaning I can no longer see my drs, or go to my hospital for the specialists that handle my care. I wasn't informed of the change, they never sent any letter saying it would happen just one day I was told "We don't accept your insurance" at a hospital i had been going to since birth. The plan they put me on is the absolute WORST plan, Im not able to see the specialists that handle my care bc they're 'out of coverage' and for the past 3 MONTHS i've been in the hospital because I cannot handle my care at home but since I have no primary care dr I cannot call them to refer me to anyone. Is there anyway i can switch back to straight medical or am i just screwed? If i'm not able to see the specialists i need I will quite literally die as my illness causes seizures and strokes and without a dr i can no longer get prescriptions either. Ive called LAcare so many times and all they do is send me in circles then they say 'well if you're disabled you can be on straight medical' so i inform them that I am disabled and suddenly they backtrack?? Im just frustrated, i have no power of attorney or 'guardian' and havent had one since I was 15 how do i just get back to the insurance I need to live.

See also  Removed from parent’s insurance

submitted by /u/Main-Jeweler-2203