How do I get access to MD Anderson or Sloan Kettering as an individual?

If I am currently uninsured (working part time without benefits and did not secure ACA health insurance during open enrollment) and I need to have surgery before open enrollment next year, can I quit my part time job to join another with benefits to gain health insurance? Do I need to wait til 2023?

I don’t currently have cancer. But I have an extensive family history of rare cancers in addition to having a rare cancer as a kid.

Memorial Sloan Kettering is in New York City, NY and MD Anderson is in Houston, TX. I was treated at Sloan Kettering as a kid since my surgeon was the only oncological surgeon in the country doing the necessary reconstructive surgery that saved my life and saved me from extreme quality of life impairment. My dad was treated at MD Anderson since it was the only place in the country that had access to a specific drug trial.

Due to disability, I’m unable to work a full-time job. As a result, I am a self-employed freelancer that works from home. I’m not tied down to anything and have no problem with moving to a different state if I have to.

After looking online on the various health marketplaces and confirming with each hospitals’ insurance departments, neither hospital will accept any individual (on or off exchange plan) that you can purchase as a Texas or New York resident.


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