How do deductibles work with primary and secondary insurance?

Hi all, sorry if I don’t word this well, this stuff confuses me beyond belief. My sister has a primary and secondary insurance. Both are the same provider, but the secondary insurance is much better than the primary. She’s starting physical therapy tomorrow, and she just got a phone call that insurance approved visits and they will be charging a $15 copay, but they noticed her primary has a deductible that has not been met yet so to keep an eye out for the explanation of benefits.

Her primary insurance is a $1000 deductible, and the secondary does not have one. The copay for the secondary is $15, which is what we assume the doctor is charging us for. Will the secondary insurance pick up that deductible? Or would she still be responsible for it? She would prefer to be aware how significant her out of pocket costs will be before they add up. And a follow up question, if she were to be responsible for the deductible still, would it be the full amount the provider charged, or the amount remaining after the plan discount. This specific provider charges insurance $320, but only actually gets $117 total per visit from this plan after the plan discount. Please feel free to ask any questions if I didn’t do a good enough job explaining, or you need more information.

submitted by /u/Luna6102

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