How big of a deal is "prenotification for services"?

I'm 25, single, relatively healthy, no chronic conditions. Living in Ohio. United healthcare.

Employer offers 4 plan options. 3 of the 4 specifically include the phrase "penalties for failure to obtain prenotification for services" under a section giving examples of stuff not covered in out of pocket maximum.

The 4th one is an EPO with pretty good coverage and no deductible. Lots of in network options. It does not have the thing about prenotification.

I hate the idea of an algorithim deciding if I can get healthcare. I'm leaning toward the EPO, partly because of the low out of pocket max, $0 deductible, and lack of prenotification statement in the benefits outline.

Am I missing something? For reference, it is United Healthcare. Thanks all.

EPO with not prenotify:

One of the plans with prenotify penalties:

submitted by /u/Atwyay

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