How are Delivery, Baby’s billing, and mom’s in-patient stay billed if I switch insurance during baby’s qualify life event (birth)?

I am delivering a baby next February and want to pay the lowest out of pocket cost. My plan is to be on the best and most expensive plan (low deductible) right now and switch to the high deductible plan after baby's birth as that is a qualifying event. How will my bills be billed since if I change insurance, it will be retroactively effective on baby's date of birth? This affects if I will switch insurance because my current deductible is $600 with a $3000 Out of pocket maximum. The new plan will have a deductible of $3000 and $5000 out of pocket maximum, so my out of pocket expense will change significantly depending on how the bills are billed.

Traditionally, there are three parts involved in a mom's birth: OB charges for delivery & postpartum visit, hospital charges mom's postpartum in-patient stays, hospital charges baby's in-patient stays.

How will these 3 bills be billed if I change my insurance at baby's birth?

Will OB charge delivery & postpartum visit under one global fee under the old insurance?

Will hospital charge mom's in-patient stay under the new insurance?

Will hospital charge baby's in-patient stay under the new insurance?

I called UnitedHealthCare, the hospital, and the OB, but everyone says different things…

submitted by /u/GoldDiamon

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