How am I supposed to find a psychiatrist on Medi-Cal

For now I have Medical but in 7-12 days I’ll have La care which I assume will make this all the more difficult.

My disability is running out in 8 days. I have bipolar 1 and have been having episodes and need more medication but everyone I call on psychology today says they don’t take medi-cal even though it says on their goddamn profile that they do. I have bpd too so I’m worried all this stress is going to trigger a manic episode. I don’t understand what to do.

I found a medical center that takes medi-cal but their behavior health section won’t pick up my calls. I left a voicemail earlier today. Oh lord. I am considering just giving up and going back to work and paying out of pocket but I am worried I will run out of medication before I get enough money to see a psychiatrist and I’ve also put too much effort into getting an ebt card and medi-cal and I am worried working right now will drive me over the edge. Being poor is just so much stress. I am considering also just letting myself go crazy (quitting medication, chugging down caffeine, avoid sleep/food) so that I can land in the psych ward and get properly medicated, but psych wards are so terrible and I don’t want to be manic tbh, it sucks, plus I don’t think anyone there will extend my disability. Ahhh. I am on the phone on hold for a caseworker, maybe they will help? I don’t know what else to do.

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