HMO AetnaCVS Plan denied my preventive care cost, haven’t received the bill yet. Am I responsible for this cost?

Last December, I visited my doctor's office for an annual check-up. This particular visit was covered under my previous insurance (AmBeter GA). During the visit, he wrote an order of annual screening mammography for me. He always did this for me every year and the order was then sent to the radiology team at this large hospital system in my town.

A month later I purchased a new health insurance (AetnaCVS) at the marketplace during the open enrollment period. I presented my Aetna insurance card to the front desk at the radiology/imaging center when I visited them for the scheduled mammography session. They took my card without any issues. 2-3 weeks pass by and now I am seeing from the Aetna website that the claim sent by the radiology team for the annual screening has been denied. The reason being that the hospital is an out-of-network provider. I haven't received any letter or bill from the insurance company or the hospital. I am sure I will receive one soon.

I am wondering if there is any way that I can ask Aetna to pay this money to the hospital (around 1000 dollars). Shouldn't the hospital have said something to me when I showed up with my insurance if they were indeed an out-of-network provider of Aetna? (strangely they do list Aetna as one of many accepted insurances on their website) Or is it all on me for not confirming with Aetna beforehand whether they would cover this cost for me? But if my "in-network" doctor specifically sent me to this hospital, doesn't this qualify as the so-called "uncontrollable charge" and I should be able to ask Aetna to cover this for me?

See also  Left ER without being discharged

submitted by /u/ihkhj3i