Hit out of pocket max, what should I prioritize?

I've hit my out-of-network, out-of-pocket max for the year and looking to ensure I'm getting the most out of this as my health plan will be downgraded next year. Some questions I have about this;

Confirming I should exclusively look for providers out of network as I have yet to hit in-network deductible/max? What services would you prioritize (I'm mid 30s)? Some that are top of mind: PT, therapy, physical, podiatrist, skin screening, allergy testing. Some of these seem to exclusively be in-network in my area, any advice on finding out of network? I'm with Cigna, and there doesn't seem to be a simple way of getting iron-clad confirmation that something will be covered at the full rate. Anyone know if there's a way in their portal to check CPT codes out of network, or is the best route to ask the provider post visit to submit a pre-auth?

Any tips greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Brief-Ad-392

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