Highmark BCBS of WNY just screwed me out of a surgery.

[NY]. I’m sobbing. If someone can help me. I met my deductible in August. In October I had two ER visits. Once Highmark got those claims they went back 9 months to a claim (from the same facility) to “reprocess” it. I already received the EOB and paid the provider once I got their bill.

Highmark has been reprocessing this claim for a month. Online my deductible shows I’m exactly off this specific amount from a satisfied deductible. My other claims have been paid as my deductible has been met

I’m having surgery next week. The surgery center said I owe the money because I don’t have a met deductible. I tried to explain I do. I can’t pay this amount again so I can’t get the surgery. I called Highmark and they said nothing can be done till the claim processes back through and it won’t before next Tuesday.

I’m hysterical. I didn’t do anything wrong and this piece of shit health insurance company is punishing me. What can I do?

PS – I have filed a complaint with the Attorney general

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