High out of network costs, which HSA HDHP plan?

I finally found out that 100% of my expected out of network costs would go toward my OON deductible (i.e. none of it seems to be balance billed), at least based on the claims that already went through.

I'm trying to decide which HDHP plan to choose.

Premium HSA HDHP Basic HSA HDHP Premium (per paycheck, every 2 weeks) 40.15 11.54 In-Network Deductible 1500 3250 In-Network Out-of-Pocket Maximum 5000 6500 In-Network Coinsurance (Amount NOT covered) 20% 20% Employer HSA Contribution (prorated*) 608.33 400 My HSA Contribution 3642.67 3850 Out-of-Network Deductible 1500 3250 Out-of-Network Out-of-Pocket Maximum N/A N/A Out-of-Network Coinsurance (Amount NOT covered) 40% 40% Total Premium (prorated for 11 paychecks) 441.65 126.94

My calculations (updated):

In Network Costs Out Of Network Costs Plan 1 – Plan 2 Plan 1 – Plan 2 w/o premiums 1000 2000 -127.87 -442.58 1000 2500 -427.87 -742.58

The "w/o premiums" column is because I can pay all of the coinsurances with my HSA, but apparently not any of the premiums.

Full calculator here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13rq71dHCisJ9lGyoQ0hGQ_Q5Xen3nIZ3/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118254286588284376095&rtpof=true&sd=true

Based on my results, it seems like the Premium HSA HDHP is slightly better, but I don't really know how to consider factors like opportunity cost. It seems like it's even better up until a narrow range of in network costs (~$5500 – $6500), which I doubt I'll hit.

(*Note: The "608.33" employer HSA contribution is based a previous employer contribution of $400, +$208.33 prorated monthly, based on an employer contribution of $500/year.)

submitted by /u/Reasonable_Movie_925

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