Hidden Fees in Marketplace Premiums??? So Confused?

I’m enrolling for 2023 medical insurance, and when I go through the application process on Healthcare(.)gov (“Marketplace”), it qualifies me for a $363 tax credit toward my premium. I selected the same plan as 2022.

Total monthly: $22.79

However… when I go directly to my provider site, since I’m keeping the same coverage, it automatically has me enrolled and I just have to do the whole application process all over again to verify details, then confirm.

Total monthly, exact same plan: $7.79

Why is the same plan marked up so high when using the site designed for government/financial assistance? It IS the same plan, so is this just a hidden fee that goes to Uncle Sam, or what? Or is it not updated, and will adjust to the proper $7.79 when it becomes active in January? Once I get in, I won’t be able to get out, so I don’t want to mess myself over. BUT…

My representative for Marketplace (Bree G.) also says if I go through my provider directly, I won’t be able to use Marketplace in the future??? (That also doesn’t make sense, as I came to Marketplace from a private plan in the past. She says the price is hiked up to help pay for the web service??? I feel like she doesn’t actually have any idea and just trying to be helpful :/ )

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