Help!My husband will have surgery with out of network costs, which is in network with my plan!

My husband and I both have health insurance from our own employers.

My husband has a coming up surgery in 2025, but that hospital and his current health insurance haven’t agreed to work together for 2025, so if he continues with his current health insurance , he may need to pay out of network costs for the surgery.

However, my health insurance will be in network with that hospital.

I was thinking that we have two options:

He gets both his own company insurance and my company’s. And then use mine as secondary. I just don’t know how it works when the primary insurance is out of network but secondary is. Do we end up paying like if we only had one primary insurance? Will the secondary accept the remaining charges?

He declines his company’s plan and only gets my company’s. Issue here is that I heard some companies won’t let you insure your spouse when he is eligible to get it from his own company, or they may charge you more. If this is valid, is this something that my employer won’t let me, or the health insurance company that I have won’t let me? Asking because I can talk to my employer easily to let me do it, but I can’t convince my health insurance company. If the issue is with the employer, that would not be an issue for me.

Please advise what you think of my situation and if you know about each question above.

submitted by /u/wormhole570

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