Help with insurance for a bio-child that does not live with me.

Specifics: I, father, live in NC. Child, son, 10 yr old, lives in AZ with Bio mom and stepdad. Mom has always been able to cover son on her insurance but has since stopped working and does not have insurance through an employer. She has tried to get him coverage through but because I claim him on taxes she is unable to sign him up. I have insurance through my employer (DoD civilian) in NC but as I understand it if I were to add my son then everything would be considered out of network for him in AZ, if its even possible for me to add him to my plan. I have filled out an application on marketplace and currently pending what he may be eligible for.

I guess my questions are what is my best course of action/options? As much as i am a 42 y/o adult I should probably know this stuff but up until five years ago I had tricare for the longest time so actual health insurance is lost on me.

For the marketplace application do I need to add/consider his stepfathers income as well? Mom still works part time so I put her income but I think it wants household income so I interpret that as both of theirs.

If anyone has advice or knows of another way please let me know. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Ashamed_Victory5294

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