[Help!] Which health insurance should I choose?

Hi there! I'm a woman in my late 20s located in California, United States. I would describe myself as generally healthy, except for a pretty minor health issue being monitored by my OBGYN on a yearly basis.

Out of the following health insurance plans being offered by my employer, which one should I choose? They both cost the same out of my salary.

Option A / EPO

Deductible Out of Pocket Max (in network) Out of Pocket Max (out of network) Coinsurance in/out Primary Care Visit in/out Specialist Visit in/out Urgent Care in/out Emergency Care in/out Prescriptions $0 $3000 no limit none $30/not covered $40/not covered $40/$40 $150/$150 $10/20/40

Option B / PPO

Deductible Out of Pocket Max (in network) Out of Pocket Max (out of network) Coinsurance in/out Primary Care Visit in/out Specialist Visit in/out Urgent Care in/out Emergency Care in/out Prescriptions $500 $3500 $7000 20%/30% $20/30% coinsurance $20/30% coinsurance $20/$20 $150/$150 $10/20/40

submitted by /u/superfox650

See also  Did you know your health insurance premiums are on the rise again? Here’s what to do - The New Daily