I have cervical cancer and will be having surgery in January so will quickly meet most deductible. My team believes surgery will be the only treatment I need so predictable heavy front end of the year but not certain after

This is cobra selection, I only qualify for cobra until April and qualify based on divorce. My plans in marketplace that cover my provider are atrocious in comparison to the below plans. My company is offering an HRA stipend this year that covers my individual bronze plan premium, anything additional would be my cost. I believe I get prorated family premium credits, that’s a bit confusing for me but again the cost will be approx 900 a month after credits and stipend for a 5000 deductible and 18000 out of pocket max.

Imo it makes sense to go with a cobra plan 1 for the first 4 months and then switch when medical is (hopefully) primarily resolved. Kids have no identified medical needs.

What do you think?

Cobra plan 1 Premium 1064 Ind deductible 750, family 1500 Out of pocket max 4250/8500

Cobra plan 2 Premium 962 Family only deduction 3000, no ind Out of pocket max 4750/9500

Cobra plan 3 Premium 897 Ind deductible 4000, family 8000 Out of pocket max 6500/9750

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