Help picking a plan/50% coinsurance or 50% after deductible

I apologize if this has been asked before but I’m a little overwhelmed looking at options.

I work for a small firm and the boss just said he’s willing to pick up a group insurance plan for everyone. I’m his assistant and function as “HR” (most other employees are on 1099 wages) so this is on my plate for now.

He currently has an ACA plan through the marketplace with a $3000/$6000 deductible and pays 50% coinsurance for visits outside of preventative.

I’ve received quotes from that same insurer (he’d like to stay with them) but the best one is $3400/$6800 deductible and 50% for visits AFTER he meets the deductible.

I want to go back to the insurer and ask for a quote with coinsurance instead but wanted to make sure that’s the smart move. Maybe I’m missing something. He has rarely met his deductible, so having to pay 100% for 3/4 of the year (or 100% of the year) doesn’t make sense. I never meet my deductible either, but it’s pretty high ($6000/$12000).

Thanks for any/all help.

Edit: 43M, 39F (employees) TN, 37402.

See also  Not sure what to do, badly need advise/suggestions