Help Needed: Confusion About Health Insurance Plan After Returning to Old job

Hi everyone,

I’m in a bit of a confusing situation with my health insurance and could use some advice. A few years ago, I had Blue Cross Blue Shield through my previous job. After I left that job, I wasn’t even aware that I still had coverage under that plan. I was using my new job’s insurance for doctor visits, but when I went to the pharmacy, they were charging my old Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. I didn’t realize this until one of the pharmacists mentioned that my prescription was going through Blue Cross. I told him that wasn’t my insurance anymore, but he said it still went through.

Recently, I returned to my old job, and they offered me two PPO Gold plans. One was the exact same plan I had before I left, and the other was a new option. I chose the new plan because it has a $55 co-pay for specialist visits, which is important to me since I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and severe anxiety, and I’m working on improving my mental health.

However, now I’m not sure what plan they actually signed me up for—or if they signed me up for a new plan at all. The old plan was still active when I last checked, and it seems like it might still be in effect. When I look at my insurance details , it’s showing the exact same ID card and everything from before, so I’m concerned they just left me on the old plan.

The plan I’m currently on has a lower deductible, but it doesn’t have any co-pays. This means I’d have to pay about $300 every time I go to see my psychiatrist or therapist until I meet the deductible, versus the $55 I’d be paying with the new plan. Honestly, I just can’t afford that.

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I’m not sure what to do next. Should I reach out to my employer to get this fixed, or should I contact Blue Cross directly? I’m also worried that if I bring this up, my employer might realize that my old plan was still covering my pharmacy costs after I left, and I’m not sure if I’d be responsible for those charges.

Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/Your_average_Nihlist